Where have I been?
I've been around but I have been too lazy to blog.

And in between I have been to Spain for 10 days, Barcelona and Marbella.
Barcelona is one of the prettiest cities I've been to, it was artsy, and had a beachy scene as well.
Alot to see and go to in Barca, places such as La Sagrada Familia, the unfinished Church that Gaudi had planned.
His beautiful gardens and architectures were beautiful in the eyes of those who appreciate Art and Beauty.

Barcelona's Stadium was a choice, and I'm glad I chose to go see it, it was a large stadium and it was nice to see it in real life. The players locker room, their jacouzzi, their changing room.

A room filled with old belongings of ancient players with their awards though glass windows. And near each a brief story about every detail you see. It was entertaining and you would love it if you were a true fan of Barcelona.
I enjoyed the walk and took a few snap shots.
Marbella was more of a relaxing zone, from all the walking I did at Barcelona I needed the rest, all I did was eat and go to the beach.
I enjoyed 2 shows of the famous Flamenco Dance.
Once in Barcelona, the other in Marbella.
The one in Marbella was my favourite.
