Its during the night when my cheeks touch my soft fluffy pillow when it starts. When bad memories start creeping into my head. My brother's accident, tears in my eyes, I learned today that the toughest times in your life, or the special day in your life are the days that you won't ever forget. You remember every detail as it happened yesterday. The pain in my lungs passes through my heart and my stomach, it makes me feel sick, but that's just pain. Or is it sadness? I don't know anymore. My little brother, was walking with his freinds on February 25,2004 in shalai minding their own business, enjoying the weekend, it had rained earlier that day, the ground was still moist and wet, out of nowhere a cable falls onto them touches my little brother's friend first, and takes his life, just like that. Then my little brother seeing this jumps, but the damn wire/cable touches him, do you know what happens to you when you get electricuted? The electricity finds its way through your body, passes through your organs, ruining whatever it wants, and decides whether to leave your body or not. Luckily, for my little brother, it left his body. Now, my baby brother is lying on the wet, moist ground in bnaider, and his freinds are running to them screaming their heads off and crying for help..
The damned cops came seeing my brother on the ground assumed he was dead, they covered his body, seeing this a man walking by runs to my brother and starts kicking his chest afraid to get the shock. Suddenly my brother coughed, and started screaming from the pain, he was alive. Two young guys carried my little brother, and drove off as fast as they could to the hospital, those three guys saved my little brother's life. I thank God for that everyday in my prayers.
I was home that day, when I heard the news, by that time they were taking him to Babtain Hospital for burnt casualties. I didnt care how my brother looked like, I wanted to hold him, at least see him and tell him that I love him. But we were not allowed to.
Friends and family gathered to support us, praying and waiting for my baby brother to get out of his coma, he was in Intensive care, and wasn't allowed to be touched cuz of the bacteria we carried. It was critical.
Day4, we can see him now, we did before but just through the window, his face was black, same features, it was scary, it was hard, but he is my brother, and we had to be strong for him.
He is a smart kid, after seeing his freinds wearing their dishdashas, he started remembering what happened, the accident, the STUPID accident. He knew his freind/cousin Aziz allah yer7uma had passed away, wearing their dishdashas meant that they were at his funeral.
After two weeks, it was time for damage control, my brother's face was burnt, between his wrists and arms, part of his tummy, and one of his legs. His leg was the most hurt, he had lost a fraction of his bone, poor baby brother loved football, he was very athletic, and full of energy. The Dr's managed to fix his leg by putting a fixator which saved him. The Dr's abroad told us if that fixator wasn't put on his leg he would have lost his leg.
Hamdila, we took him to Paris, to the best hospital that handles burned casualties, there my brother was saved, with many many surgeries, my baby brother is thank God alive and well..:)