This girl I know had a dream...
Unfortunately her dreams are all falling down hill, wishing to change many things in the past, just to make things better. But you know what they say, life is all about experiences, and those bad experiences are what makes people grow up and become stronger. This girl indeed did become much more stronger, self reliable, enduring life's utmost difficulties with courage. Of course there are those days, the days where she cries silently into her pillow, and falling asleep to yet a new brighter day. But still, those memories keep haunting her from time to time, but you know what she does? she imagines herself shes in this beautiful, celestial world with many friends who love her and care for her. And a family that supports her in every step she takes. All of this, my friends, is a blessing from God, love helps everyone go on with their lives and make them able to conquer all obstacles.
Heart breaks are the worst part in her life, meeting new people, then finding out who they really are, bastards! those people, who take advantage of those with delicate hearts.
Maybe finding that perfect someone doesn't happen to everybody, all those fairy tales are just in movies and books they don't happen for real. In this real world we live in we can't trust no body even those we are told are "Amazing" people, but in relationships they suck, they do what everybody else does, hurt those who love them mostly.
This girl is just going through this phase, but this phase will end oneday, and that perfect person will show up eventually, won't he?