It has been a while since I last blogged. Haven't been in a blogging mood...Alot has been happening...Finally started to adjust at work, with my new office, new Pc, and today I got everything I needed. Hope this year will be a better year work wise and in life in general. Things have been hectic and really a rollar coaster of events here and there. Love life has been rather dramatic and a sad story by itself, but trying to cope with everything as a mature young lady since my Birthday has come up:D that was a very eventful night , actually celebrated twice, one night before and the actual night of my Bday 22/1..
Hope and really wish for the best!
Keeping a positive mindset to avoid going crazy:p
Peace and Love!
will apload a new office pic later..
CAF x Birkenstock Take Over Assima Rooftop
16 hours ago