Kate just added another element to her growing business empire. She's set to launch a new fragrance called Vintage, with hair and beauty products to follow.
On her definition of beauty: "It sounds really corny, but I think that if you’re beautiful inside, it shows on the outside for sure. You can be a pretty face, but if you’re not a nice person, it just doesn’t work. I’m not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think I’m all right. If you’re a nice person, it definitely helps."
On getting inspired: "I write sometimes, or I’ll draw. It all depends what’s around. If I’m with my daughter, I’ll paint. I make jam. It’s kind of creative when you make jam. In the country, I get creative with what I have in my house. I just did my dressing room [with my former personal assistant who now designs interiors] and that was quite a good creative process. It’s heaven. We did it together. I wanted it to be a space, not just a closet. I wanted it to be a room you could feel comfortable in and hang out in without just being a wardrobe."
On her mottoes: "There are loads. There’s 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.' That’s one of them. You try and remember, but it never works."
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